White Paper
Colored papers
Colored Pencils
cardboard cover
Mini secret envelope
scissors, glue, pencil & erasers
Postmodern Principles: Layering, Text & Image
Exploring ideas of : narrative, illustration, pattern,
Step 1 : Write one or two sentence about a recent dream. Plan out
where each part of the story you tell will occur on your book. This
story should incorporate a dream that you remember well.
Step 2: Draw a patterned background with the watercolors. Remember
that a pattern is anything that repeats itself throughout the image.
So simple shapes like lines, circles, triangles or squares can be
easily made into a pattern. The pattern must be repeated throughout
the book. Incorporating your setting into the patterned background
Step 3: While this dries, cut 4 or 5 shapes on your choice of
paper. Draw 20 more of that shape in many varieties of size and
form. Cut these shapes out of the paper. Arrange these shapes
throughout the image and talk about how it can create movement,
repetition, and the picture. a world that can only exist in this
dream. Repetition and
Step 4:Use colored pencils to add any missing elements.
Step 5: Create your character somewhere in the picture. He/she/
only needs to be draw once, but more than that is encouraged.
Step 6: Glue a small envelope to the back cover of the book and
place the two sentences that inspired this work inside.
Step 7: Finish the piece by completing an about me page that
displays your knowledge of pattern, repetition and movement.
I LOVE this!! The drawing came out sooo cool!!