Monday, January 28, 2013

Today was my first day actually meeting some of my students. Sadly, I was only able to meet the studio art classes because they let the kids out early due to inclement weather. It's hard meeting the students because many of them are not interested in art, or me. One student did walk right up and introduce himself to me and said he liked art, so that was nice.

 I stayed a little after to make example of the monotype lesson I'm planning. They look really cool.

 Mrs G (one of the main studio teachers, and printmaking teacher extraordinaire) came in and gave me a handful of plexiglass for the glass so we don't have to cut out own! She also gave me access to her printmaking/book-making library. She's really something.

I'm very excited to meet the darkroom 2 students. I still need a good idea for them. They are doing a semester based on journalism, so I think some sort of photo book is in order. Just not sure what yet...

Friday, January 25, 2013

Okay, long lost blog. I began this as an exploration for my Art Education classes to record responses to readings and post assignments. But a new page has turned! After completing my BFA Printmaking degree last semester, (pictures soon to follow), I have plunged into this semester with Student Teaching the visual arts. I'm both excited and nervous to begin teaching.

My first placement is at Kingston High School with Mrs Debbie Tampone. She's mostly the photo teacher but she also teaches studio art. My first week there was coincidentally Regents week, so all the kids were doing their state-mandated testing. But when they finished their tests, the Visual Arts seniors had critiques to propose their ideas for the Senior Seminar Show. It was awesome seeing what the Art Department at Kingston High School has nurtured in order to get those kids to where they are. I could see how taking the variety of classes that are offered at Kingston really gave the students a well-rounded view of the art world. I think my favorite idea was the student who is making a sculpture of a heart out of different materials and then taking photos of them in places he feels connected to. I recently discovered he has a medical condition so he's using the heart as a symbol of life and placing them in these places to represent his desire to explore and see the world. He's taking advanced photo, but he can work on this project throughout the entire semester, so I can't wait to watch the project as it develops.

A handful of the students really had insane painting abilities. Painting is one of those things I have my own technical troubles with and I fear having to teach it to students who are better than I am. haha. But I gave one of the girls who does these mythical portraits my friend Kat Patterson's website because it think she might really appreciate her Zodiac ladies. She was also into clothing design which really reminds me of Kat's desire to be a special effects make-up artist.

Anyway, I'm going to make a point to go to the show and see how their projects end up. It's gonna be good.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Took me long enough. Three straight days of editing has come to this:

Technologic: Exploring Relationships with Technology

Saturday, December 31, 2011



In the meantime, here is my story board. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Documentary Continued

Today, I got in contact with my friend Kyra who goes to the Stockton College of NJ and she courteously gave me her ID card so I can access the computer lab at her school. Unfortunately, it isn't open until January 3rd! :( This being said, I am completing my story board tonight and outlining everything I want to say so that I can go there on the 3rd with all my information ready and able to be plugged into a version of iMovie that actually WORKS.  Ugh.  I didn't think this late assignment would end up being SO late, but I'm really excited to for the final product!

One aisle of Best Buy, where I tried to spend my Christmas gift certificate.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Documentary Update

Sadly, I was unable to schedule an interiview with PJ before he left town for Christmas break (I only had Tuesday, and after my class he T.A's, he teaches a basic class and I had a final... simply incompatible  scheduling). I did however, get to tape my roommate Sarah answering a couple of my questions.

Once I got home, I went to Best Buy and took a few still images on my cell phone of empty isles and products they had on display. In addition, I interviewed my mother and father who talk about their relationship with technology and how they use it in their jobs and how it has changed over time.

As I try and compose my documentary in iMovie, I'm running into a few issues. First, I wanted to start my video with a scene from Portlandia but for some reason, it REFUSES to import into my project library which is really frustrating and highly disappointing. Another thing I'm having a lot of trouble with is the sound. I want to add some music into parts of the movie, and change the audio from once video to sync it with images I add and/or another video, but there is no visible audio "line" like there is on the version of iMovie I used at school. I'm really nervous that I won't be able to figure this out before New Years, and I'm asking friends and relative t see if they have a newer version of iLife. I also asked a couple friends about the college campuses in my area to see if they have open Mac labs that I might sneak into. I'm on the verge of getting a copy of Final Cut Pro to use instead...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Documentary step-by-step propsoal.

Before Thanksgiving, I had started working on my second idea, which concerns people and the relationships they have with the many faces of technology. Whether this may be their phones, computers, instruments, or resources, this day and age calls for a copious amount of time spent with technological belongings.

I will first conduct 2 or 3 more interviews: one with Paul John, a printmaking MFA whose work is highly influenced by the technological era we face. Revolving mostly around the iPhone, P.J. has created a plethora of multi-media works. The addition of an explanation of his concept will heighten the strength of my documentary.

I will also conduct a 4th interview with my roommate, Sarah who uses technology as a means of receiving information. As journalism major, she reads the news and writes articles based on current events. It will be interesting to see how her interest in journalism expands with the help of technology and how she tends to use it in the future.

Next, I plan on re-watching all my interviews and picking out the strongest phrases and answers that I receive. I will split them into categories and outline my documentary by theme.

I will then probably visit an electronics store, perhaps to receive some stranger responses to their purchases for Christmas. If this is not allowed (I plan to ask in advanced) I will simply record some of the objects/observe what I see and create my own responses to them.

Lastly, I will compose my video in iMovie, using the skills I learned in class to promote my message. Technological relationships are prominent in society. It has become hard to live without cell phones, even if only for a day. With each advance, cell phones are becoming more like computers and our resources are expanding by the minute. What is to come of the future? Will technology ever exceed human potential? (And what about conspiracy theories?)

I will explore these and other questions to compose a complete video by the end of the year.