Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Documentary Update

Sadly, I was unable to schedule an interiview with PJ before he left town for Christmas break (I only had Tuesday, and after my class he T.A's, he teaches a basic class and I had a final... simply incompatible  scheduling). I did however, get to tape my roommate Sarah answering a couple of my questions.

Once I got home, I went to Best Buy and took a few still images on my cell phone of empty isles and products they had on display. In addition, I interviewed my mother and father who talk about their relationship with technology and how they use it in their jobs and how it has changed over time.

As I try and compose my documentary in iMovie, I'm running into a few issues. First, I wanted to start my video with a scene from Portlandia but for some reason, it REFUSES to import into my project library which is really frustrating and highly disappointing. Another thing I'm having a lot of trouble with is the sound. I want to add some music into parts of the movie, and change the audio from once video to sync it with images I add and/or another video, but there is no visible audio "line" like there is on the version of iMovie I used at school. I'm really nervous that I won't be able to figure this out before New Years, and I'm asking friends and relative t see if they have a newer version of iLife. I also asked a couple friends about the college campuses in my area to see if they have open Mac labs that I might sneak into. I'm on the verge of getting a copy of Final Cut Pro to use instead...

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